Monday, May 31, 2010

>> I love my parents so much.
This week when I go home after work, I will play chess with my father and bond that way. "So who won in basketball?" isn't going to work for long haha.

Even though my mom gets on my nerves I still love her and appreciate all that she does.

Thank You Jesus for being Great
Love You

>> I need a laptop.
Netbook or laptop?

I aint got the cash flow so that's why I am thinking about a netbook.

Quality is an issue. I don't wanna be annoyed by a slow processor waiting for things to load and windows to open. Thus, laptop.

A couple hundred $ difference. May seem like a little but it's a lot to me. Rent and bills take up my whole paycheck.

I got my bb for decent internet surf.
Just need to upload lots of pics and vids. I could swing by BOY's pad and use his laptop.

Netbooks can handle's just the fear of it loading slowly(folders,apps) and not as capable as a laptop in video editing and high end use.

Store testers don't do justice. You can't really upload as if you were doing real work.

My old laptop would have a color bar streaming left to right when I opened a folder and my contents wouldn't appear until a long time. Its a 1gb ram gateway laptop. Just a couple years old and it sucks! Paid like 600 for it. Ugh!
I didn't know about ram back then. When I tried the netbooks opening the folders I didn't have that loading wait problem. Same ram size and probably ghz processor. I don't get it. So I'm totally hating gateway cause of it. And my internet can't connect to pages sometimes. Boo!

It seems like I get a laptop every few years. So if I got a netbook it would be cheaper. Unless there is a laptop that will last me a long time.

Is there a netbook that won't fail me quality and price wise?

Saturday, May 29, 2010

>> Well when I was leaving, my mom came out the closed bathroom(I guess she was being emotional in there), she went to the bedroom, and I told her I will be back tomorrow to bring eggs and bread since they're almost overdue so they can have it. More mouths than 1 at my place.

Then she says, 'I don't care, my head is hurting a lot, you're stayin there 30 dollars a night, you're just there having fun.'

I am so sad. And I can see my mom has an effect on my dad. I was waving from the car to my dad as I left and could see he has emotion because of what my mom is feeling.

I do feel guilty. I get advice saying that my mom will get used it to eventually.

Maybe the fact that today I kinda threatened saying I'm going back to my other place because you keep nagging made it seem like she was guilty.

I did notice yesterday when I told her things like I just said I didn't want this or that and she would politely be like alright alright. Today I guess I bombed on her. So yesterday she was making an effort to be better.

Well no matter how much she tries to change to listen to me better, I am still moving out. I have to have freedom else my boyfriend will leave me.

I guess my mom expected me to sleep at her place all weekend and be there all weekend and only at my new place during work days...

I guess part is my fault for exploding on her and part that I am only seeing her once a week if I don't spend the whole weekend with her.

But I want to go out weekends. And those nights and not worry bout being home.

So in a way I am having fun.

But I need freedom.

If only I had the mom who was okay with me dating and going late night out I would have a better relationship with my mom and actually could stay home til I married.

Jesus please give us strength.

Friday, May 28, 2010

>> Friday night.

I tried swimming yesterday some more. I couldn't quite get it. At least I swam a couple more feet before my legs start sinking to the ground and water up my nose. Ha.



<3 Jesus

Thursday, May 27, 2010

>> Me sleepy. Looking forward to sleeping in.

Love Jesus

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Monday, May 24, 2010

>> I moved last night.
I wanna move back to my parents.

I enjoy seeing them everyday of my life. During meals, tv watching, and all the good times and even the bad. They are there.
I miss the comfort of the bed, the rooms, everything I am so accustomed to and roaming around.

I only did it because my boyfriend encouraged me to so we can move forward into the relationship. A stepping stone to us being able to have more freedom hanging out when/whereever without parental phone calls to come home since its 10pm.
To no more sneaking around saying I am hanging with girl friends when I am really with BOY.
To late night-more like whenever calls to and from BOY without worrying who is home that could hear the convo. Or not even be able to talk at all.

He didn't want a "high school relationship" -kid stuff. If I didn't move, then down the future he would break up with me cause I didn't move out and basically didn't have a free life.

So was this for the better? Yes I have my future husband.

My parents? Let's knock on wood. They age.

I want to spend as much time as I can while they are here. Does this mean I have to be 45 or some old age til I move out? No.
I could say 'hey I'm dating this guy imma go out whenever I want!'
Sorry that won't go well. Especially with my mama.
This freedom will strenghten my future husband relationship. But weaken my parents since I won't be around except weekends.

Sure I go visit them weekends. But its not the same not seeing them everyday and talking with them. Its almost like I ran away. It seems odd but I never go long without seeing them. Maybe two nights out of the whole year for some good reason but nothing like this.

I am sad and emotional about this. This is day 1 of not living with the parents.


Sunday, May 23, 2010

>> Baskin robbins has 31 flavors. They got the usual universal flavors and candy inspired flavors. Was there really 31? Imma count next time. Didn't see anything too extraordinare. However, my favorite is strawberry shortcake. It's not the same as the ice cream bar version(this bar is the best in the world!). Has bits of cake, swirls of strawberry and a yellow flavor cream.
Ben & Jerry's have more flare to their ice cream flavors. I should venture into it. Haven't gotten to it cause the multi-dollars pricing walks me away... I'll sample the minis when they go on sale for a dollar haha.

>> I am looking for a new handbag. I like the speedy styles of Louis. I have an ezekiel brand with that same style. So I am open to other brands as long as its cute! Hmm time for some amazon shopping! Woo! I wonder how it works. Are sellers packaging their goods right from home to a buyer or do they ship it to amazon and amazon handles it from there so the sellers never get our personal information hmmm?

Friday, May 21, 2010

>> Sleepy.
New moon has 45 mins left. Soo slow. Kinda boring. Will watch later.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

>> I am craving bbq real bbq chicken-black lines juiceyness. Mm!

What to eat tonight for dinner?? Mmm!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

>> In case of a sugar-low patient emergency, put cake frosting under the tongue.

Hmm what to eat for dinner???
Pick up stix?? It is cream cheese wonton Wednesday.

>> My new room is slowly getting its stuff together. Seabird, my roomie, has utencils and kitchenware already for me to use...but..aiii rather have my own since I already bought it when I was living at the baby chateau. So let's not put that money to waste. Besides her forks weren't that great anyways.
There's a 5 level cabinet in the kitchen and I have one level, I am going to ask for another level. C'mon you get 4 and I only get 1? At least give me 2 to make it almost have. Geez. I have stuff too ya know.
So, one level will be my utencils, plates, cups, cooking spices & utencils. The other will be my canned/boxed goods, and drinks.
She better say yes.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

>> Hello world.

Today so far was a good day. Mostly composite filling restorations. I think that's my favorite procedure to do.
Crown prep sucks. More messier and I have to pour up models blah. Yeah basically more work.

I think a busy office is a not-so-likey office. More chances of getting behind schedule and delays of next patient.

Dr. A would have been much much chill. I keep thinking about that office I so could have locked down on but my stupidiness of calling in the morning to say I'm coming after lunch cuz of issues during my work interview blew back in my face. Arrgh.

Oh wells. Would have could have's...its did and done.

Monday, May 17, 2010

>> So ready to call quits at this job.
I don't look forward to it any more.

1. The manager is mean. Plays the "today is a great day thank you" on the outside to patients and on the inner side she will get all up in your face with a nasty stern voice. When she leaves a voicemail for a reminder, sounds soooo fake. Ugh!

2. The assistant co-worker is super nosey all therapist like with me making me talk about things I am uncomfortable about. Nosey nosey and thinks she knows how to make the end result right.

3. I know I'm slow in taking xrays. I feel I'm getting a raised eyebrow with a mean look behind my back cause I am soo slow. Get that 'hurry yo butt up' feeling.

4. I don't look forward in coming to work. I want to call in sick to avoid the day. The people all around at work could be better to be around with.

5. The schedule is soo packed I don't have time to clean the room until the next patient is here. Then I can scramble to clean. Patients run over time leading to a domino effect.

I wanna just get married, have kids and be a housewife.

Screw all this work!! Well this one.


Sunday, May 16, 2010

>> Congrats Kim Kardash in winning Miss USA over Heidi Montag.
>> So the other night I was eating dinne with co-workers and they were talking about my situation. One of them got on my nerves. She talked like she knew what was best and felt like she knew what I felt and how "they" felt. Basically she thinks she knows everything. She acts like she's a therapist.

Don't judge me.

She was getting all nosey asking how I felt about the situation and just made me annoyed!!

For reals about this line,

"you don't know me!"
You can assume all you want in emotions and how people would react but don't act like you know everything. Leave me alone and drop this subject.

I didn't bring it up. You just kept attacking me about it.

This situation was about moving out of the parents. Luckily one of the other girls was on my side and understood my whole situation. Not every family works the way you think chick!

Ahhh! Got me all mad. Imma stay away from her as best I can.

>> Went to Lush yesterday.
I haven't been to the site in forever and couldn't navigate through the pages I wanted today to compare...anyways I thought they were cheaper and smaller in size. This Lush carried the big sizes and not much variety as the site from what I remember.
The swirly purple and white bubble bar was huge and $9 bucks...whaaa? I rather have a smaller one so it can be stored nicely and cuter. I did not like the smell at all. Cute but stinky. Passed on that. I could cut it smaller but it won't be the same.

I did pick up the cupcake bubble bar cause it had a sweet vanilla smell. For some reason one cupcake smelled more than the others so I picked that one haha. Maybe it broke and was exuting the smell. It didn't have a little brown swirl like some did. Mine is all white. Hm. Anyways I got it and is happy with it.

Got the honey bath bomb. Smelled sweet and hint of honey. The ball bombs seemed to be more fun when dropped in water and fizzed longer. They got bowls of water and samples to throw in.

Also got the vanilla bath bomb. Smells like vanilla. Kinda small for $7 boo.

They all were about $7 each. Pricey I'd say. So these will be treats on days I deserve a pamper moment haha.

I will use them separately since I'm being cheap and want to experience them separately. I could do bubble bath with bomb but that's like $14 there. Yeah I could cut it up smaller - it would be less suds and bubbs.

So as you can see I was into the sweet scent more than the pink smelling types.
The pink glitter would have looked cute in the bathroom.

I think I'll just go to another Lush, get the smaller sizes, get the "cute looking ones" and use as display and not bathe in it.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

>> Been so tired waking up. Should really go to bed early. I blame good tv and the internet.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

>> Souplantation. Dinner. Full. Sleepy. Achy belly.
>> Sometimes I look forward to work.
But, when the doc loses his cool, no way! He gets more annoyed when he runs outta time and starts getting sterned voice in what he wants me to pass him. Argh.

The money is making me stay.

Pay week is this week woo woo!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

>> Not happy with Amazing Race winners. What's happened happened, no need to get pissed over something that won't change the results.


Saturday, May 8, 2010

>> Too much plum wine and sake...


>> Went to l&l with Kat yesterday.
Man I have to start carrying cash on me. When I paid they have that receipt that has "tip" on it. Being nice, I put $1.
They don't need a tip! Besides it was the manager working the front-he already makes money. And stop fake nicing me.

I should have left my trash on the table and have them throw it out-thats tip worthy service. I picked up my own area AND wiped it down AND tossed it in the trash. What did they do to deserve a tip? Saying mahalo? Um. No. That's part of customer service you freak! You didn't go no extra mile for me you bastard! Besides why should I tip before I even tried the food or be 'serviced'??? You don't tip the restaurants before you eat!!!
I need my one dollars. I barely make anything! So I have to start putting zero or a line across that tip line if I only have a credit card for stupid food joints trying to make money off of me. Bastards.
That's why with cash you wouldn't have to tip at all. There wasn't even a tip jar for real monies. Stupid fool!

My dollar belongs to me.

This was the final straw! I tipped peeps before a dollar at same not-even-restaurant-joints receipt tip amount thang. But, I'm putting my foot down. No more! No more ripping me off! I'm putting zero. If AFTER my food experience I like I will come back and give them a dollar. And especially if its to-go heck no I aint tipping! If I got home and the order is wrong or taste horrible, I don't want to say "why did I tip them for this crap???"

So there.

Friday, May 7, 2010


>> Sephora has Tarina Tarantino shimmer dust that I like...a lot!

Micro dust! I told my friend to spray it at the bottom of my hair. Haha.
$39 is too pricey to buy. So, if I'm there I'm giving myself a spritz! ;)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

>> Been lagging on my days. Found a new show I like on food network.
Neely's makes me want some bbq right now!! Ribs, tater salad, honey muffins, drunken shrimp. Oh yuum!

Let me sit there!

>> Work was good overall this week.

Thank You Jesus for helping me in taking great perfect xrays!!


Sunday, May 2, 2010

>> Last night went with BOY to a bar to meet up with Kat's group for her birthday celebration.
BOY and I got there early and it was waay packed and Kat wasn't there yet so we had our own dinner thang elsewhere.
Met up with the group, told BOY to get a shot of kamikazee from the bar so I could talk to my homegirl. BOY came back and I gave the drink to her. She said thanks to BOY and he was like 'thank her'. Shoo darn right, I bought that not him. Get it straight. Didn't want her thinking I didn't get her a drink on her birthday when I did, just told BOY to get it instead of me trying to waive down a bartender. By the way, I gave him a $20 and told him he can get a drink too if he wanted. And he never gave me my change!!
Did he forget I gave him cash?!? Cause later we were talking bout prices for drinks. Then he goes, 'I spent $14 on those drinks.' Wtf! With my money!!
I'm only letting this go cause he paid for dinner.

Either than that it was a packed night and it was good overall.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

>> Yesterday.
Hung out with and friend and went to Jack for the sandwich trio deal. Ew. The only goods in this was the sliced pickles. The salami was stinky tasting. Ew ew.

Sat next to a drive-thru window and started slamming about each person and their car going through. Only one seemed normal and we had nothing bad to say bout her haha. I felt like a commentator making fun of everyone-so mean of me, yet, so fun for us. ;)

>> BOY and I went to a bbq dinner. Carne asada burritos yum! Can't wait til we host our's gonna be awesome! I should make a list! BYOB!
Let's see...

• Shrimp & cocktail sauce with lil wasabi
• Chips cracker dips
• Fruit veggie platters

• Marinated carne asada
• Marinated chicken drummettes
• Skewers/kabobs

tortillas, sour cream, bell peppers, onions, salsa fresca, guacomole, mushroom, pineapple, and them toppers

• Salad
• Rice-a-roni

Simple. Should be yummy though. :)