Sunday, February 14, 2010

>> My sketch of my closet hahahaha! It looks like crap. I'm trying to figure out how to organize my clothes. Afterall, this is my 1st walk-in closet. All my clothes are in cabinets and drawers. Shoes are scattered. With this organization attempt, it should work...somehow.

The rest of this post gets lame...beware of sudden urgency to close this's more of a reminder to myself. ;)

So to my left of the closet will be:
- shoe organizer mini squares & loungewear organizer squares velcroed to the rod,
- a hatch tub to store my old books/notes/school stuff I don't wanna get rid of(yes minor hoarding here), on top of the tub will be plastic pull out drawers to hold my braundies,
- and finally dresses.

In the Target ad there's a cute pink tub! $4.99 I'm going to get that and the blue one!

As for the right side:
- tees & tops on hangers,
- clothes organizer squares(for either non-hangables or tops that can be folded to reduce hangers space)
- jeans on hangers,
- jackets & coats, below it will be a tub for all my keepsakes and junk.

I think that'll work. =)

As for accessories storage, either I'll get another plastic drawer or use one of the squares.

There are a few cabinets below the sink, so, I'm putting all my makeup, hair styler equip., hair products there.
Woo! Right sink that is muahahaha!
Left sink will be for after bathroom use-wash over there stuff(soap pump, toothbrushing, rinsing)...the wet side.

The potty room has a million and two cabinets. I'm putting all the towels, disinfecting wipes, swiffer dusters/wet cloths, scented candles there.

The hair and body wash in the shower rack. Too bad it's not a 2in1 bathtub.

That should be enough organizing thoughts.


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